Board of Directors
Meet The Board
Anam Cara is governed by an unpaid, volunteer Board of Directors. The executive committee manages the organization and provides direction and oversight for our choir.
Leadership Team
Artistic Director, Atina Coates
Accompanist, Leah Zumberge
President, Heather Douglass
Vice-President, Julia Evans
Secretary, Deb Grant
Treasurer, Theresa Flannery
Librarian, Linda Haffner
Director Emeritus, Dr. Kevin Brower
Director Emeritus, Dick Brown
Board Members:
Dan Coates
Juliana Cole-Sheppard
Rob Farnam, JD
Linda Haffner
Kara Johnson
Mark Kerback
Karel Kingrey
Keith Mathews
Diane Mondell
Hon. Jon Schindurling
Joan Tallman
Michael Trowbridge
Dave Van Haaften
Kathryn Welsh-Devries